Sarah Ward serves as the primary liaison within the community for public and patient health advocacy and resources. She leads education and well-being outreach, strategic marketing initiatives, and the Extra Mile Fund patient philanthropy efforts. She earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in business administration from the Indiana Institute of Technology in 2004. Additionally, she earned her diploma in finance and management from Connecticut School of Finance and Management in 2011. In 2021 she earned her Master of Science (MS) degree in psychology from Purdue University Global. Sarah is a lifetime member of the Psi Chi International Honor Society for Psychology and Society for Colligate Leadership and Achievement. She serves as a QPR Institute Certified Suicide Prevention Instructor providing complimentary QPR Institute Gatekeeper training to the public. She is currently earning her Doctor of Business Administration through Indiana Wesleyan University with an anticipated graduation date in April of 2025. Her experience working within the healthcare industry spans more than two decades in a variety of leadership roles. Sarah serves as the ex-officio of the WindRose Health Network Patient Advocacy Committee, leads and deploys a triyearly Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), and participates in numerous industry organizations, collaboratives, and boards such as the Indiana Healthcare Executives Network, Baxter YMCA, and Empower Johnson County. In her spare time, she enjoys faith-based servanthood and spending time with her husband Eric and their family.